When you're creating a new directory in python, it's better to check if that directory exists first, in case your code run into error.

Example 1

  • use os.path.exists() to check if the directory's existence
  • then create a directory with os.mkdir() only if it does not exist
import os
path_to_dir = '/content/test'
if not os.path.exists(path_to_dir):

Example 2

  • use a try-except block to handle error
import os
path_to_dir = '/content/test'
    os.mkdir(path_to_dir ) 
except OSError as error: 
[Errno 17] File exists: '/content/test'

Example 3

  • use os.mkdirs() when there is any non-existent directory in your path
  • for instance, you want to create a directory in called /test2 in directory /test1, however directory /test1 is missing.
import os
path_to_dir = '/content/test1/test2/'
    os.mkdir(path_to_dir ) 
except OSError as error: 